School Idol Festival - Holiday Season 2015

The holiday seasons are upon us! I mean, they have been for a while now. Either way, never too late! As part of this blessed holiday season, School Idol Festival is giving out a Christmas Special UR Maki. That's right, a promo UR and even you can get it. How you ask?

It's actually really simple, you just need to login 5 times between December 18, 2015 through January 17, 2016. From your first to fourth day, you'll be rewarded with one Love Gem each day.

 On your fifth day, you'll be rewarded with a lovely idolized Christmas UR Maki. Simple, isn't it?
While it may be a Promo UR, meaning the stats aren't actually up to an actual UR, this actually happens to be my first ever UR member! On top of that, Maki comes pre-idolized meaning you've able to rank her up to Level 100 and after maxing out your Bond at 1000, you'll get a special side story too.
On my fifth day, I decided to a Coupon Scout just for the fun of it. I had accumulated three green scouting tickets from the previous event so, I might as well used it.
Lo and behold, an SR Maki popped out of the golden box. What are the odds right? First an UR, now an SR Maki. A great Christmas present wouldn't you say? 

Well, that's all for this holiday season's update on Tiro Finale. I hope you're all having a good holiday season too and make sure you close off the year in a great way whilst readying to usher in the new year. Tomorrow, I'll be covering the current SIF School Idol Diary event which is Nico's Secret Survey. Until then, have a great day everyone!

P.S. Yes, I am aware of the December 9th announcement about Muse's final live. While I'm still trying to wrap my head around the announcement, I'm also working hard to make sure I get a chance at the final live's tickets.


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