Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade Figurine Review

Best way to be displayed, by Good Smile
I suppose I should get around to reviewing Kissshot Acerolaorion Heartunderblade. I probably have a duty to do so. During the winter break, I met her. It was a shocking meeting and it was a catastrophic one...for my wallet. In any case, I must have had incredible luck — of course, in the same way that if I didn't have that luck, I doubt someone else would have met that fate. It actually seems irresponsible to talk about my luck here. Maybe I should just be upfront and say that it was my fault. In the end, I think it was a chain of events only made possible because I was me.

Product name: Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade
Series: Kizumonogatari
Manufacturer: Good Smile Company
Category: 1/8th Scale
Release Date: 1st January 2016
Height: Approximately 140mm
Sculptor: Rooney (Astral Body)

If you didn't get my introduction, then shame on you for not reading Kizumonogatari. But I didn't just shamelessly copy the first paragraph of the book. It actually makes sense if you read my haul post. It was truly fate.

Firstly, I have to say that the box itself is beautiful. Aside from the gorgeous art, the box blends warm colours to evoke the atmosphere of the movie. Also, it looks a little warped in the images above because of the combination of storage, temperature change and travel. What's important though is that it isn't damaged.

So, pulling Kissshot out of her box and separating the parts, you can see that the base actually comes in three parts and Kissshot herself can be segmented into three. The set-up isn't very difficult to do so I won't actually go through it here. It does come with detailed instructions though on how to assemble her. You can also see that her sword is a separate piece as well that is inserted last to complete the figure.

In case you were wondering, yes, her spandex is see through and you can actually see her pantsu. I won't show it though. Her dress is also magnificently painted. I mean, look at the colour shading!

The camera is a little out of focus here but I wanted to just show her hair. Her hair doesn't flow out naturally and neither does it twirl in any sort of natural contortions. Her hair was specifically designed to snap out at the ends. Even the book's cover depicts this. It's her design. Kissshot is very dangerous and although she isn't necessarily considered savage, when she does fight, she can go WAY off the rails. I think her torn up dress and wild hair work well to convey this.

The sword was a little tight to slip between her hands but after slowly easing it in, I managed to get it stuck right in. It's a snug fit but I think she grabs it well.

You can see from the overall front view, she looks really good. The paint job is excellent, especially her dress and gloves. I really love the shading they've done with them. The translucent base is a very nice touch to blend the effects of both water and light, and the outward extending ribbon with the untamed hairstyle really completes the whole image for me. I'd say if you are a big fan of the Monogatari series and you're thinking of getting a figurine, this is one you might want to pick up if you ever get the chance to.

I also recommend viewing her under direct lighting conditions because it allows for her face to pop out more since her hair does cover quite a bit. Her assets also get more pronounced. And by assets, I mean her eyes and lips. Her funbags are big enough to be noticed even without light.


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