I had intended for this post to go up on Nozomi's birthday itself two days ago but, circumstances led to delays which ultimately only sees the article coming live today. Nevertheless, better late than never as I document my attempt at scouring some great Nozomi cards with her Solo Scouting box. How would I fare? Read on to find out!

In commemoration of Nozomi's birthday, there were two new limited scouting boxes that were made available. Both featured Solo Nozomi scouts with one being the ordinary 50 Gems for "Scout 11" albeit only featuring Nozomi. The second, and the one I chose to go with, was the step up program which is detailed in the above picture. Currently saving up for an upcoming UR Nozomi, I did not want to use up to many of my Gem reserves. As such, I opted for this option which not only costs just 120 Gems for 33 scouts but, guarantees an SSR at the end of the third scout. Fingers crossed and hoping for Nozomi's great spiritual luck, I hit the ominous red button which wrote "Scout 11".
The first 11 came and these cost 30 Gems. |
4 SR Nozomi, not too bad. |
Second scout and this time the cost went up to 40 Gems. |
Only one SR this time but it is China Dress Nozomi! |
Last scout, it was all or nothing as I put in 50 Gems in this pull. |
SR Shrine Maiden Nozomi |
No self respecting Nozomi fan would not have her in Miko form and I have now fulfilled the requirement.
SR Little Devil Nozomi |
The Little Devil series is one of the cutest series of cards with their playful outfit and poses. Nozomi joins Rin as part of the two that I have managed to scout from the collection.
SR June/Wedding Dress Nozomi |
Truth be told, I had no clue about the existence of this Nozomi despite having played the game for a while. As such, it was a really pleasant surprise to get her! The purple dress she has on in the un-idolized version reminds be of a bridesmaid's dress.
SR Constellation Nozomi |
The Constellation series is one that is very popular among fans of the game and for good reason. While the un-idolized versions may look rather unassuming, the idolized version looks really really good. Here is to hoping I will scout another copy of her in the future!
SR China Dress Nozomi |
If there was any SR Nozomi that I really wanted, this was it. China Dress Nozomi may not be a UR but, in my opinion, she pulls it off the best among the nine members of Muse. Both her idolized and un-idolized form look absolutely sublime which is no surprise why Alter decided to make a figure of her idolized version. And for the final two scouts, there were these two:
SR Animal (Part 2) Nozomi |
This is one of those SR which have me a little conflicted. On one hand, I really like the un-idolized version but, the idolized version just looks rather peculiar and unnatural. Fortunately, the new version of SIF allows players to display the un-idolized version even after idolization.
SSR Initial Nozomi |
In the end, no UR Nozomi from the 33 scouts. But given the 1% odds of getting a UR, I knew the odds were against to begin me. As such, it did not feel as bad as I thought it would likely because I managed to get several SR Nozomi cards that I have always wanted and the consolation SSR was a nice touch. With the scouting out of the way, let us wrap things up with a few kinds words from the members of Muse.
Eli's birthday wish makes them sound as if they are married. |
Honoka always thinking about food. |
Behold Nozomi's spiritual power. |
Nozomi's other reliable third year gal-pal. |
Rin, as happy and active as ever. |
Hanayo speaks the truth! |
Umi, stepping out to the occasion. |
No cake this time? |
Finally, we have a little word from the birthday girl herself. |
By the time this article goes live, the new UR Nozomi would have gone live for scouting. Indeed a perfect way to wrap up Nozomi's birthday together with the concurrent event which is centered on Hanayo and her. Another year, another memorable birthday for the spiritual leader of Muse.
For more Nozomi content, make sure to stay tuned to Tiro Finale as we will be bringing you the breakdown on SR Rainy Season Nozomi soon. Until then, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!
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