SIF: Nozomi Wishlist

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale. Ever since my big splurge on the recent Nozomi Birthday campaign, I have gotten my hands on almost every Nozomi card in the game. From Rs to UR, I have managed to slowly amass a steady collection worthy of every Nozomi fan. Unfortunately, there are some cards which still elude me. Some of them are exclusives while others, are new releases that have yet to be included as part of a promotional scout. Ever since I managed to collect the UR Christmas Nozomi, I have been looking forward to the next goal to save up towards. While I am slowly recuperating my collection of Love Gems, here are the list of Nozomi cards that are on the top of my wishlist to collect next.
The first card on the list is the UR Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari Nozomi. This is a promotional UR often released as part of Limited Scouting. While I do really like this card especially the idolized version, I have been holding off from spending my Love Gems in hopes that a special box would appear for her with boosted rates. No luck so far but, I will be watching the scouting section closely for that day to come.

Next, is the UR Magical Girl Nozomi. Pairing with Rin, this is the latest UR Nozomi to be released as part of Honor Scouting. The past few Honor Scouting UR Nozomi have been rather hit or miss mostly suffering from rather plain designs. Fortunately, KLab has really turned things around this time with a great design for Nozomi in both normal and idolized form.

Personally, I prefer the un-idolized form especially since it pairs up with a super adorable and enthusiastic Rin-chan. Having just been available for Honor Scouting on the Worldwide server not too long ago, it will be quite a while before we see her again. Hopefully the next time we do, it would be with increased odds of scouting this particular UR. Otherwise, it would mean that I have to wait till her next birthday which is a full years away.

The UR Best Friend Election Nozomi is perhaps one of the Nozomi URs that I regret on missing out on the most. I really would have loved to scout her together with the UR Eli equivalent. Unfortunately, I missed out on the opportunity to do so when she was made available for limited scouting. She has sporadically appeared ever since then but, just like the others, I am also hoping for something with boosted drop rates before I intend to spend my Love Gems.

Next, we move onto the territory of the unobtainable. Such as this UR Snowhalation Nozomi which was given out as part of the BD special. This means she was never made available for the Worldwide Server and has not been released ever since. Collecting her would be just that, a collection, and it is the rarity of the card itself which makes it that much more special.

Similarly the UR Shrine Maiden Nozomi is another Blu-Ray limited UR Nozomi that has not seen the light of day sine its exclusive release. While I do hope that both the Snowhalation and Shrine Maiden UR will one day be made available, I am not exactly holding my breath. For now, the most realistic expectation would be to aim for the Magical Girl Nozomi. Even then, I do not foresee myself scouting for a UR Nozomi anytime soon as the road to Love Gem recovery is a long and arduous one. In spite of that, it is always a good idea to plan beforehand so when the time finally comes, I will be well and truly prepared.

Well that has been all for today. What about you? Do you have any particular card that you have been saving up for that is in your wishlist? I would love to hear what you think in the comments section below. Until then, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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