Tripod & Mami

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale, the official Church of Mami. And what blessed house dedicated to Mami would be complete with out at least a few regular articles of this magical marksman? Seeking out any and every reason to write about Mami, a rather interesting opportunity presented itself very recently in the form of some photographic reinforcements. 

You may have noticed the lack of reviews or single product coverage on Tiro Finale for the past few months. This has been largely attributed to my camera tripod or lack thereof. Ever since I moved over to my new place, the old trusty tripod was left behind and I have been falling behind in getting its replacement. One day, I finally set about to getting a new one. One that would be more durable and practical (especially in terms of portability) than the last but, without breaking the bank. 

Two weeks and one shipment from China later, my new carbon fiber travel tripod finally arrived on my doorstep. While it did cost more than I had initially planned to spend, a carbon fiber tripod was something that I had always wanted, oddly enough. To top it all off, the particular model that I got was a travel tripod which meant it had a much smaller footprint that my previous tripod. With everything retracted and folded up, I could even fit my new tripod easily into my trusty camera bag!

There is only so much I can go on about my new tripod but, the best way to really put it to the test would be through the real life rigors of a photo shoot. Especially one which involved my usual long exposure shots. 

Handling the new tripod certainly took some time but, it was not long before I was settled in and getting the shots that I wanted. While it certainly took less time to set up my old tripod, the new one was much, much sturdier and offered better control over minute angles. The latter being something that was always been a nagging point for me especially when taking close up shots. 

Any long exposure shot can easily be ruined by even minute movements such as pressing down on the shutter button. For that reason, timed shutter releases are downright essential when it comes to taking long exposure shots. For a tripod, the grip of the base and weight of the tripod itself plays a role too. Not much of an issue indoors but, sometimes strong winds outdoors can causes the camera to sway ruining those long multi-second exposed shots. 

At the beginning, I really did not expect much from shooting with a new tripod. But I must say, the experience was incredibly eye opening moving from a really cheap tripod to a half-decent one. Perhaps even a newfound vigor to go out there and take even more photos? 

Now before I forget, the stars of this shoot are the very adorable Nesoberi Mami and her cute beanie pillow. Or as I like to to call it, big Mami meets little Mami. 

Now rearmed and refreshed, what could possibly be next? Well for starters, I do have two sealed Mami figures just waiting to be opened. The only thing holding me back is in getting a proper backdrop. Something I will have to visit my local cloth store to see what would be a suitable backdrop. Some suggestions perhaps?

With that, we come to the end of this quick update from me and of course some much needed Mami goodness. I would love to hear your thoughts on the shots and what you would like to see me do more. Tell me in the comments section below! Until the next time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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