Wonder Festival Extras

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale! By now, we have already done quite a few articles about this year's Summer Wonder Festival. From a recap of the entire event to some of my absolute favorite highlights of the event. Going through the hundreds of photos I took during the exhibition, I figured the best way to wrap it all up was by giving a special post to all of the figures which I either took a second look at or was requested to take additional pictures of. For this post, I will keep things simple and let the pictures do the talking. So without further ado, here are the Wonder Festival extras. 

Looking back, this year's Wonder Festival sure was a blast! While it is doubtful that I will be able to make it next year because of the coinciding Tokyo Summer Olympics, I absolutely cannot wait to visit it once more. Maybe in the upcoming Winter Wonder Festival perhaps? That would be a first for sure. Well, only time will tell how things go. Until then, I hope you have enjoyed this gallery and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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