Plot Isn't Shameful

Much like last time, we've once again been tasked to tackle a joint topic. And while last time we treaded the line between sweet, sweet Alabama and Riker's Island, we're going into far more wholesome territory today. We're talking about plot characters.

Now, plot is prevalent in almost every anime. You can't have an anime without any plot. If you would, it'd probably be related to sweet, sweet Alabama or Riker's Island. But while I do say that all anime has some sort of plot, the plot present in most anime are usually inserted more as a want rather than a necessity. Now, most people call that unrealistic. You don't usually see such plots in everyday life and thus, it cannot be believable or even plausible. I highly disagree.

Arguments about plot aside, the main focus of today's article is to let you guys know about my favourite mainstream plot character. I say mainstream because I cannot for the life of me remember anything from bygone days and thus, will take the plot that's sticking out right at my face at this very moment.

I am talking about Nakiri Erina. Erina brings a hefty plot to Shokugeki no Soma, what with being the main heroine of the series. A lot of people might argue that Megumi deserves that role but I reckon she brings more justice to the series and thus can be relegated to the side without much loss in sales. Erina on the other hand, brings with her the grace and authority that is needed for one with such a high plot position.

Of course, plot itself is one thing. You can find various different forms in any media. So what does Erina bring to the table to further serve the plot? Her character of course! A queen in a prestigious culinary academy, a poster-girl of the tsundere archetype (for me at least) and expressions of magnificent proportions. These traits all come to play to enhance the plot. After all, what is plot without a little bit of chaos?

Plot can certainly be considered one of her defining characteristics but I feel that most people miss out on a lot of the things that make Erina a fascinating heroine because of that. I don't blame them though since even the most minute of plots can sometimes sway the audience accordingly. If I had to blame someone, one could always accuse the artist. I find his self-gratifying ways of mixing food with lust can, in some ways, degrade the plot brought forth by Erina. Contrary to popular belief, I don't quite like those aspects of the manga myself (I say manga because I was reading Shokugeki no Soma long before the anime was even announced).

Erina is a character too and she deserves to be treated as such. I'm tired of people going on and on about how they would love to 'bed' Erina. Like, do they even realise how crucial her character is to Soma's plot arc? She's about the only other one besides fan favourite Ikumi. And I dislike Ikumi so that's a dead argument. Erina is a very capable individual with her own deep, personal problems to get through. Her plot grows throughout the series and by the end, you'd have realised that Erina changed from a cold, judging princess to a warm, accepting friend.

Like COME ON! Stop lewding her! STOP THIS NONSENSE RIGHT NOW! There's no one else that gets it as bad as h-

OH GOD. I'm so sorry..... I'm so sorry that I'm contributing to this problem too. But it's honestly hard for me. Hamakaze is a WHOLE different type of PLOT character.

Also, she has huge breasts.


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