Nesoberi Chronicles 11 - Bery Short Reunion

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale for another chapter of Nesoberi Chronicles. Recently, I got some time off to visit my home over the weekend where I was gifted with a big surprise. This not only meant getting to spend some quality time with family and friends but, also with my fluffy Nesoberi(s)! First thing I noticed upon returning is just how much havoc my little Tanya(s) have caused during my absence. Fortunately, the larger Nesoberi(s) were always there to keep the little monsters in check. Case in point, pajamas Honoka taking a quick munch on Tanya to make sure she does not get too wild. 

Aside from physical control, there are other plushies who seem to have a higher control over the little monsters. Regardless of how out of control the little Tanya(s) get, I can always rely on Hanekawa to keep them in check. Somehow, Tanya seems to obey Hanekawa without much objection. It may have only been a three day break but, it was certainly a lovely time to be reunited with my other Nesoberi(s) and plush. Despite having two locales, the family is already fairly sizable. I have managed to keep the population under control for now but, during my next trip to Tokyo, there are no promises that the family will not grow even larger!

Well, that is a worry for another day. Until then, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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