Nesoberi Chronicles 12 - A Time of Change

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale for another chapter of the Nesoberi Chronicles. Little did I know that not long after taking these photos, these would be the last time both my Nesoberi(s) and I were spending in this habitat that you see before you. 

For almost two years now, I have called this place that you see you before you home. Having moved over to start my first real job after completing my studies, this place had more highs and lows then I could even begin to count. 

Easily recognizable by the pink My Little Pony sheets and the large wooden cabinet behind it, I started out my new life here with little to nothing to my name. When it all began, I only had one singular Nesoberi with me, Tanya. Back then, I had not even gotten those fluffy pink sheets yet. 
Just like aforementioned fluffy pink sheets, I started to amass new things in my humble abode as I got more comfortable with what was now my new daily life. Step by step, piece by piece, the Nesoberi(s) kept joining until I had a full family of fluffy companions which kept me company throughout the late nights and ungodly early hours of the morning. Whether it was a long seemingly endless day at work or a cold dreadfully early start to one, the one constant remained. They were always there for me, the first thing I saw upon waking up and the last thing I had by me before I went to sleep.

Whether it was Tanya's stern expression reminding me that those 5 extra minutes were not going to happen as it was time to go to work or Eli, Honoka and Rin's cheerful expression lifting one's spirits and motivating you to the finish line. Or even Mami's simple reassuring smile that reminded me that all your challenges need to be faced even if you have to do them alone, these 5 adorable Nesoberi(s) had much more to do with my success than I could ever imagine. 

Fast forward two years, everything is packed up. Because now was the time for me to move onto my next chapter in life. Just like how I had started a new job two years ago, I have once again been blessed with the opportunity to bring my set of skills abroad to begin my new journey there. Just like it was two years ago, the journey will be arduous but, I can rest easy knowing that I have some quality companions along the way. But before I make the turn the page into the next chapter of my life, it was time for the berries to once again be reunited in one big family.

Stay tuned for the next chapter of the Nesoberi Chronicles as all the Nesoberi(s) that I have amassed over the years, both big and small, are reunited. Until then, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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