Super Sonico Holy Girl (Blue Version) Gallery

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale. Today, we will be doing something a little out of the ordinary with an outdoor gallery of Sonico in her blue Holy Girl outfit. Since we had already done a proper in-studio review for the original black dress version, I figured it would be nice to switch things up a little by doing an outdoor shoot for this particular entry. 

What's more, the metallic blue finish on Sonico's dress really shines when struck by natural light. Something that is very difficult to emulate in a normal studio setting. And in my opinion, this dazzling blue piece is best appreciated when well illuminated. 

Of course, if this is your first time reading about the Super Sonico Holy Girl Concept Figure, do make sure to check out our unboxing and review first.
Besides her blue dress, Sonico's pearl white gloves also emit a lovely sheen when struck by the gentle evening sun. The perfect time for a walk in the park right?

The surface of her shawl also playfully bounces the light of its surface, a quality not seen in the black dress version. It gives the dress an almost natural gradient of light despite the surface being painted uniformly throughout.

All throughout the photo shoot, I was thinking of what the best way would not just to frame Sonico's voluptuous figure but, also the best way to portray the dazzling blue finish of her dress. 

Mess around with the colors even a little and it results in a completely different appearance for her dress!

All in all, I decided to keep the colors as natural and true to life as possible. One issue I did struggle with was presenting the depth of the blue color which seems to seeming get lost once photographed. 

Where the black version of the dress seemed to downplay Sonico's curves and lines, I found that the blue one really seem to put more attention towards it. Especially towards Sonico's bust where her impressive cleavage looks even more pronounced!

Besides that, you are also quick to notice the amount of material Sonico's dress has, or lack thereof. 

Still, Sonico's gentle and innocent smile always seems to balance everything out in the end. No matter how suggestive the outfit, the fact that Sonico is not wearing it seductively just adds that much more appeal to it.

For this gallery, I decided to focus on the upper half of Sonico's figure as the tube-styled strapless dress really pulled a lot of attention towards her bust line. 

And I do mean, a lot. 

Out of all my shots, this is probably my favorite. Though, I am not quite sure how I shot it. Which does make replicating it a little tricky. 

If it was not for the slight manufacturing defect at the lower edge of Sonico's right hand glove, this would have been a perfect example of the Blue Version of her Holy Girl figure. Oh, well. Such is life when it comes to prize figures. 

Taking time off from the studio, it sure is nice to switch things up a little from time to time. What did you think of this gallery or this particular Sonico figure? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave them there too. Until the next time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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