Lolita Magica

Hello everyone and welcome to the third and final entry of Tiro Finale's Loli Appreciation Week! For the whole of this week, we have curated a list of our favorite loli(s) be it from games, anime or manga. Just like how loli(s) come in different shapes and sizes, our choices individual choices varies greatly too! While some may like vampires, others like rabbits instead. But if there was one common denominator to the loli(s) I love, that would be magic. And not in the magic of a child's imagination but, actual any-sufficiently-advanced-technology-is-indistinguishable-from-magic magic. 

Now I could not possibly run a blog named Tiro Finale without honoring one of the most important characters of Mami's character development, Momoe Nagisa. Over the various timelines, Mami shares a deep and varied history with Nagisa's various forms be it as Mami's super adorable minion, Bebe, or even the ill-fated encounter that is the witch, Charlotte. 

Even before the release of the Rebellion film, many fans had theorized a strong link between Mami and Bebe. So when it finally came to fruition in the canon films, I have to give massive props to all the writes who helped bring Bebe's character to life as Nagisa. Not only does she feel like a natural personification of the familiar that we know but, she has proved to be a perfect match for Mami's otherwise forever alone outlook. For that, Momoe Nagisa is the first loli on my Lolita Magica trio.

When it comes to magic, dragons are possibly one of the most commonly associated mythical beasts to the field. Not only do notable knights and magicians face up against the might of dragons, they are also a universal existence in practically all known civilization from the east to the west. While they may be portrayed in different lights be it good or bad, dragons are always known for their voracious appetite. 

Package all of that into a little tiny loli parcel and you have Kanna Kamui from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Kanna may be a fairly old entity when counted by human years but, is just a young child when counted in dragon years. Hence her appearance as a young girl in human form. In fact, she even acts like one too on a day-to-day basis especially in her interactions with her fellow dragons. That is until you notice her habit of eating insects and little animals which is strangely adorable. For that reason alone, Kanna is number two on my list of magical loli(s).

Now no list of iconic loli(s) would ever be complete without Tanya Degurechaff from Youjo Senki and you certainly would not have expected me to leave it out on this list now would you? With a title name that translates to The Military Chronicles of a Little Girl, Tanya is the most textbook definition of a magical loli. Oh, wait. Or would that be actual magical girls from said genre? At any rate, Tanya easily outdoes her peers by having all of the loli benefits without any of its growing pains.

Now, most people who have just teleported a gender-bended magical loli into a World War era setting rife in conflict would have just called it a day and given themselves a good pat on the back. But that is far from what makes Tanya special. From her hairstyle and shimmering eyes to her various outfits and historically accurate firearms, its the finer details in Tanya's character design which makes her well and truly stand out from all the other magical loli or even loli characters from the matter. In a sense, Tanya is already a unique character in and of herself discounting the whole loli part of things. The fact that she is, just makes it all the more interesting. 
With the trio assembled, imagine just how much havoc they would be able to wreak while remaining positively adorable throughout. What a frightening thought that must be! So you might be wondering, is it the magical aspect which has me interested towards these characters independent of their loli status. But the more thought I give it, I realize these characters would not be the same if they were not their intended loli-selves. They run the risk of otherwise just being generic characters really. For that, Kanna, Nagisa and Tanya are my picks for my favorite loli(s) or as I like to call it, Lolita Magica!

Bonus shoutout to the Non Non Biyori series too with their fantastic cast of loli-esque characters. I say loli-esque because they really are just children growing up in a small town with less of the "loli" factor when it comes to character design. With that, we come to the end of Loli Appreciation Week. What did you think of my list of favored loli(s). What about your favorites? I would love to hear what you think in the comments section below. Until the next time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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