My Favourite Lolis!?

For this week at Tiro Finale, big boss snwlprd has given us all a specific topic to write about. Going by the title of this article, you can probably take a gander as to what it is. We've been asked to list out our favourite lolis from any anime, manga or video game. It doesn't have to be every loli ever but a few would be fine. So let's get right to it!

Let's start off with everyone's favourite explosion nut, Megumin! I find Megumin to be the best character in KonoSuba honestly. I mean, I love everyone from that series but Megumin in particular deserves praise. She has won numerous popularity polls, she's generally shipped with the MC (Kazuma) quite often and she actually has the most character development out of anyone so far.

I find it amusing that she has a psychotic need for 'release' through her explosion magic. It's an obsession for her, one that goes so far deep that it makes up 50% of her personality. The other 50% comes from her chunibyo background, turning her into a character archetype that I honestly wouldn't normally like but thanks to the comedic writing and Rie Takahashi's stellar voice acting for the anime, I can't help but fall for the character.

Let's not forget her design! It leans far into the chunibyo archetype but with splashes of cuteness. Her animation and expressions define her character very nicely and the trademark KonoSuba gag expressions that make for a lot of the punchlines nail extremely well too. Whether I would officially ship her with Kazuma though, I really need to think about that one.

Nextly, I'll be taking one from a video game! A video game that I have actually been enjoying quite recently. The person in question is Fie Claussell! Fie is one of the main characters in the Cold Steel series and an overall important character in the Trails epic. She's a member of Class VII and very much plays to the kuudere character archetype. This is played down however, in the English voice acting for the game which may or may not appeal to some fans. I honestly like both but since I first played the game in English, I simply remember her sounding like that version.

I like Fie, as I do all members of Class VII, because she's a very interesting and compelling character. She's almost entirely cold to everyone at the start of the game but then grows to find her own place among their ranks. In fact, we're actually one big family according to her (none of that Fast and Furious cringe please). It's not Cold Steel without Fie.

If I had to give her a spirit animal, it would probably be a cat considering she takes naps regularly and is almost always mildly disinterested in every scenario that happens in the game. That being said, she contributes as much as the other members do, utilising her military and combat experience to assess and play around the situation much like a trained professional.

Of course, this being a game, she plays great too! Fie's main stat is her speed and she boasts the highest speed out of any playable character in the games. This makes using her incredibly beneficial as she can sometimes act 3-4 times before the boss is given even a single turn. Her evasion stat is also rather high, allowing you to create a dodge-tank character if you spec her with the right orbments. You can use her to drain away the enemy's stats, impede their actions, as an item support healer, as a tank, etc. She also combos very well with heavy hitters like Laura as she has ample chances to trigger chain attacks that allow the slower Laura to take cheeky hits even out of turn. She's always a member of my main party and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lastly, so as to not make this list too long, let's talk about our favourite loli vampire: Oshino Shinobu. Yes, in loli form, you have to refer to her given loli name. Names are, after all, very powerful.

Shinobu can be regarded as a pompous individual though she also admits to being a servant to her master, Araragi. She has a God-complex of sorts, and I say that with a grain of salt. She's not actually wrong considering that in her prime, she was probably even stronger than one. But currently, she's nothing more than a husk of her former self though I suppose she's still stronger than most other oddities in the world.

She has an unhealthy obsession with Mr Donut. It's about the only 'human' food that she'll eat and it's almost always guaranteed to persuade her into helping Araragi in whatever problem he has to deal with. Other than that, she sleeps inside his shadow, can summon a sword longer than the Masamune from FFVII and is definitely guilty of colluding with a certain paedophilic pervert on numerous occasions with the promise of more donuts. You can probably imagine how she plays off the other characters.

I also find her design to be very adorable. She changes to different outfits throughout the series ranging from a simple sundress to a gothic lolita get-up complete with a black ribbon and thigh-high stockings. Hell, even nude is considered an outfit for her if you think about it. But since she can create whatever she wants from her body, it doesn't really matter how she looks like. No matter what, she's still our most adorable vampire!

Anyways, these are just 3 of my most memorable lolis in recent times. I could probably sift through more if I had to but I'll part with this list for now. Let's see what the others have to say shall we?


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