Trailers, gameplay, previews and public comments. People really seem to like the Final Fantasy VII Remake and you know what? I can't argue with them. The game is one of the most anticipated titles of this generation.

TGS showed off some incredible stuff and my God does the game look super polished. The combat might seem a bit rigid but I suppose that's one of the side effects for allowing the option for turn-based decision making on the fly. Doesn't stop me from enjoying it though. From Tifa's super combos to Cloud's limit break finisher. Just give it to me!

You have mini games that look about as fun as watching paint dry but because they used Tifa to showcase it, we're all for it. Literally everyone's horny desires growing up is now making her way to their bedrooms in 4K definition. She's also potentially one of the reasons why people treat Asian women like trophy wives but let's not start that discussion here. I wonder whether these mini games would actually provide any in-game benefit?

Some of the fights look sick, what with summons having more of a presence on the battlefield like FFXII. Cloud gets turned into a frog in one of the scenes and hops around with a mini buster sword. It's adorable.

The main thing to me here is the music. It stands out even through the commentary that some videos have. They kept the original battle theme (as they should) but with an orchestral spin and it sounds phenomenal. Nostalgia is one thing but it's a track that actually fits within our modern world and is a blast to swing your sword to.

The boss music itself is a mixture of a couple of tracks from the original game with more of that orchestral goodness to make it relevant in a modern world. I used to be okay with the small amount of MIDI I've heard over the years but Dragon Quest XI ruined me. Please, no more MIDI nonsense. But anyways, yes, FFVII Remake has some great music.

We were shown some brand new characters, new scenarios and new cutscenes that takes the game in a very different direction. I mean, even the Ifrit summon shown shouldn't be happening but nope, we're getting it! Something tells me Square Enix spent most of their time and budget developing this part of the overall game and now we'd have to wait another 4 years for the rest of it. Let's hope not. I can't wait for this!


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