Chiba Days #36 - Kanda Fire Station

Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Chiba Days on Tiro Finale. Today, we have a short update for you on something rather unique that I found while strolling around in Akiba. Near the Akihabara JR station and located neighboring the Akihabara UDX building is the Kanda Fire Station of the Tokyo Fire Department. For most people, locals included, the fire station would mostly go unnoticed as it is located off the main shopping street despite being in close vicinity to the train station. 

From the outside, the Kanda fire station looks just like any other fire station you would expect to find in Japan. With rather neutral colors and bland design, the fire station looks like any other municipal building albeit it being a bit more modern owing to its prime location in the heart of Tokyo. All of that is fine and dandy until you notice the little illustration at the bottom of the department's banner.

That is right! The Kanda Fire Station has its own anime mascot! While this did have some initial shock factor, it did very much make sense when you consider where exactly this fire station is located. Japan itself is known for its near-obsessive love for mascots and it makes perfect sense for the Kanda Fire Station to have an anime-mascot considering it is located in anime-mecca. Perhaps a way to attract more otakus to join the force? Who knows?

With that, we come to the end of this little unique piece. Do let me know what you think in the comments section below. Until the next time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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