Love Live Halloween Girl 2018 Election Results

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale for our coverage and breakdown of the 2018 Halloween Girl Elections! In case you missed our breakdown of the election's voting phase, feel free to check out our coverage for both Muse and Aqours. Well then, without further ado, let us dive into the final results of this season's elections and the second ever election held on SIF's Worldwide Server!

Since all elections are split into the two major groups, Muse and Aqours, they each have their own sub-page for their results too. It really helps to build up the tension especially if players had glossed over the splash screen which does reveal the winner. In fact, with the change in app logo and splash screen, it is actually pretty difficult to make a mistake as to which member won. Ready for the results?

For Muse, the top spot goes to Muse's resident big sister, fortune teller and all around spiritual-gal, Toujou Nozomi! Certainly my pick for the top spot, I was really glad to find out that she had won the election especially with the Halloween theme fitting her so well. Following is Nozomi is Maki in second place and Kotori in third place. This does not come as too much of a surprise as Maki is very popular in the Love Live-verse regardless of theme and Kotori with her affinity for costumes and outfits makes her a perfect match for the Halloween theme. I am pretty sure no one would have any complains about these results. But, what about the results for Aqours?

Unsurprisingly, Yoshiko Yohane takes the coveted top spot for Aqours side of the election. Just like Nozomi, Yohane is Aqours' resident member when it comes to all things superstituous and spritiual with her Fallen Angel persona and what-not. Definitely a worthy pick for the top spot. While Yohane's position may not have come as a surprise to many, the Kurosawa sisters taking the combined second and third spot, Dia and Ruby respectively, would have probably been just the Halloween surprise. Personally, while this does come as a bit of surprise, it is not too unexpected especially since I did name Ruby and Dia as two members who would do better than their initial outlook suggests.

More than just voting and giving out arbitrary titles, the winner of this year's Halloween Girl elections gets a badge dedicated to them too. In this case, both Yohane and Nozomi get their own custom badges. Nozomi's one, in particular, is her in Tanuki form which is both incredibly adorable and iconic. In a heartbeat, this became my new badge of choice. 

Besides the obligatory rewards, sales, login rewards and special scouting, the Halloween Season Campaign is further elaborated with several time limited challenges. While they do require players to finish a certain number of Live Shows, I do strongly recommend doing them as they unlock a great deal of rewards, several of which are Love Gems. Moreover, their staggered nature means that they are fairly manageable coupled together with the current event being a Token Event. By all means, this is not an exhaustive look at the Halloween Season Campaign but, merely the things which stood out to me the most and the greatest value many Free-to-Play players would indeed be looking out for.

With that, we come to the end of our breakdown for this year's Halloween Girl Election. I wonder what the next election will be? Something for the winter season perhaps? Whatever it is, you can be certain that we will be covering it here on Tiro Finale together with our usual content updates. Until the next time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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