Love Live Halloween Girl: Aqours Edition

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale for the second part of our Halloween Girl Election coverage. In this second part, we will be taking a look at Aqours and what their nine members have to say to woo your vote for this rounds of elections. Without further ado, let us start with the leader of Aqours, Chika. 

She may love her mikan but, Chika still somehow exudes this Halloween-vibe which makes her a pretty suitable choice as a Halloweeen girl too. Perhaps not as the outright winner but, certainly a front-runner. 

Coming from Tokyo, Riko is certainly no stranger to Halloween celebrations. Maybe she has that something extra that we are looking for in our Aqours Halloween girl?

Being a patron of the deep blue sea, one may not necessarily associate Kanan with Halloween. But when you think about the creatures of the depths of the ocean then, we have a whole new take on the horror aspects of Halloween!

Dia's traditional Japanese upbringing may not exactly gel well with a Western celebration such as Halloween. But we should never forget that Japanese folklore has its fair share of ghosts, spirits and otherworldy creatures that fit the theme of Halloween just fine too. In that aspect, Dia probably has a leg up over the rest.

You, is easily one of the most popular characters, if not the most popular in the whole of Love Live Sunshine. As such, I would not be surprised to see her maintaining a strong lead in any election. How will she fare this time?

Out of all the nine members of Aqours, the self-proclaimed fallen angel with her army of little demons seems to be the most obvious pick for Halloween Girl. Certainly this holds true not just for Love Live Sunshine but, the entire Love Live universe. Yohane is certainly my pick for the most likely winner but, character popularity can always sway elections in ways unknown. 

If there is one thing Hanamaru and Halloween have in common, it would be their love for candies. With the season of horror and treats around the corner, will Hanamaru be your pick for this year's Halloween girl?

Aside from her quirky personality, Mari's blonde hair certainly adds to the Halloween-vibe making her an ideal candidate for being a Halloween girl. If only she had a slightly more inspiring speech.

Last but, not least, we have the easily frightened Ruby who surprisingly makes for a fairly decent selection for this year's Halloween girl. Her diminutive figure and demeanor makes her an unsuspecting character, the kind we see all too often in horror movies. 

When it is time to cast the final vote, that decision is ultimately up to you. Who would you go for? You can already see my selection but, I would love to hear more about who you would pick and why. Do let us know in the comments section below.

For the next week, we have some more School Idol Festival content as we take a look at a recent scouting expedition of mine. Make sure to stay tuned to that. Until the next time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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