Scouting for SSR Instrument Nozomi!

Hello everyone and welcome back to Tiro Finale for yet another event which puts my luck to the test as I attempt to scout for the new SSR Instrument Nozomi! With just 826 Love Gems in my account, I was in a precarious position where I did have sufficient gems to go on multiple scouts yet, I needed to maintain a functioning float for the upcoming UR Nozomi too.

After mulling over things for a couple of days, I bit the bullet on the last day of increased chances and decided to try my luck once more! The only catch, with this being an SSR member, I would have to aim for two identical copies if I wanted to make the most of my new SSR Nozomi. 

The first scout yielded the worst possible results one could get from a single 11 Scout with only one single SR. Even then, that SR member was the new Instrument Umi which just made things sting all the more. Why do I say that? If you are familiar with increased chance scouting, you would probably understand my affliction. If not, read on to find out more. Trust me, you will soon understand why. 

For the second scout, things were already looking infinitely better. As if to compensate for the first draw, I was greeted with a flurry of different colored envelopes. Faster than I was able to capture.

With 100 Love Gems invested, SSR Instrument Nozomi has finally come home! Together wtih her, are four other SRs. One SR Nico and the remaining three, were unsurprisingly, SR Instrument Umi. With this, I had more than enough resources to max out the idolization of my SR Instrument Umi. 

The SSR Instrument Nozomi actually pairs with Eli and, in the previous scouting window, I was tempted to go for Eli too. But seeing how I was still recovering from heavy losses in a previous scout, I had to prioritize on saving gems for what really mattered that was coming in the future. 

While one copy of Nozomi was certainly a great start, I decided to push my luck further in pursuit of the illusive second copy. Many scouting veterans would probably tell you the same, the first copy is always the easiest. It is the second identical copy which remains to be the incredibly illusive one. This was evident in my third scout with only, four SRs to account for with even more SR Instrument Umi. 

Things started to take a turn for the worse as my luck only begun to deteriorate by the time my fourth scout came around. 200 Gems in, the fourth scout would share a similar fate as the first by only yielding a single SR. 

With a hard cap of 250 Gems, I went for it for one last time. While I did actually receive an SSR, it did not turn out to be the Instrument Nozomi. Rather, it was the initial SSR Kotori which, by now, I already had a fair few copies of already. No matter, she could be still used to bolster my existing SSR Kotori to unlock even more skill slots. 

I was certainly tempted to pull another 11 Scout until I got my second copy of SSR Instrument Nozomi. Fortunately, cooler minds prevailed as I decided to use my reserves of Green Scouting Tickets instead as a means of cooling off. 

Twenty Green Scouting Tickets through and with only two SRs to show for it, it was clear that I would not be getting another copy of Nozomi without further investment. Investment that, at this point, would have become far too costly. 

With that, I decided to put my scouting finger to rest and settle on the results of the day. While it was not the victory that I had expected, it certainly was also not a loss. Many SR Umi(s) and a single SSR Nozomi were my new addition to the Instrument series. But what I am truly looking forth too has yet to come. For that, it will require a lot more Love Gems and even more luck. Stay tuned for that and more on Tiro Finale! Until the next time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead!


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